Wealthy Americans used to go on tours of Europe and collect replicas of the places they visited. Those and other valuable collectibles need to be handled carefully in estate plans.
If you travel to any major tourist destination today, you can purchase any number of trinkets that replicate the major landmarks such as Paris and purchase a mass-produced miniature Eiffel Tower.
Because they are so easily available, these items are not worth very much. However, when it was common for wealthy people to go on grand tours of Europe cheap replicas were not so easily available. Therefore, people often purchased detailed hand-crafted replicas of the landmarks they visited that were often made out of glass, brass or marble. Those replicas are very valuable today.
One couple has amassed a collection of them. It consists of approximately 4,500 pieces, as Barron's reports in "Taxing Collectibles: What You Need to Know."
For estate planning purposes, valuable collectibles like those replicas can create challenges. The value of any collection can be taxed, if it is part of the estate for estate tax purposes. As a result, it is important to plan around any potential problems.
There are several things that can be done. For example, if no one in the family wants to inherit them, they can be donated to charity for a tax benefit. Keeping them in the family to take advantage of the higher estate tax exemption is also possible. You might also consider creating a separate pass through entity to hold them.
The new tax rule eliminated tax-free like-kind exchanges for artwork and other collectibles. If you have art work and other collectibles and if you want to know how the new tax rules under the Trump era affect them, you should consult an estate planning attorney.
Reference: Barron's (March 25, 2017) "Taxing Collectibles: What You Need to Know."